Managing Your College Workload

College can be daunting if you’ve signed up for a full-time course load and are also working a part-time job on the side. Avoid the stress and frustration of juggling all of your responsibilities by organizing your time wisely. Here are a few tips for successfully managing your college workload.

Avoid time conflicts by using a planner. By creating an organized schedule for the semester, you can develop a practical routine that you can actually stick to. First, add to your planner any personal obligations or fixed appointments. The times you’re scheduled to work and the classes you’re signed up for will be fairly repetitive and inflexible. Next, you’ll want to write in your planner your homework and studying times during your free hours. Keep track of which homework assignments have been completed and which tasks still need to be accomplished. Avoid last-minute test cramming and poorly written papers! Establishing a routine may be difficult at first, but once you’ve learned to budget your time wisely, your workload will become much more manageable.

Be conscious of your health and wellness. Set aside some personal time to relax and reflect. Long hours working on the computer at your desk is straining on both your eyes and body. Be healthy and take a well-deserved break! Schedule social activities outdoors with your friends and family to get a breath of fresh air. If you’ve been concentrating hard on an assignment, remember to walk around and stretch to get your muscles moving. Avoid the dreaded all-nighter by working on sections of your coursework each day. A little goes a long way! You’ll find yourself more motivated to complete assignments once you’ve laid the groundwork.

Determine your academic course. To successfully complete your program of study, there will be core classes you’ll need to pass before continuing onto the next step. The prerequisites for your degree program will vary depending on your college’s requirements. Take advantage of your college advisor, who will help you map out a timeline to complete your core curriculum. Especially if you’re stuck choosing between different majors, taking your general education courses your freshman year will give you some time to focus on your future academics. While you have the extra credits, why not try signing up for a class in a field you haven’t considered? You may discover something new about yourself and find that you’re well-suited for an unconsidered career.

Celebrate small accomplishments. Receive a great grade on an assignment you worked hard on? Why not celebrate! Keep your spirits up and your inspiration flowing by treating yourself to a well-deserved gift. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work in front of you, break down each assignment into quick, doable tasks. Encourage yourself by setting little goals and giving yourself rewards for achieving each one.

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