Commuting vs. Dorming in College

When thinking of college, most students and parents do not consider commuting vs. dorming, they simply assume that dorming is the best option. While dorming is seen as the more typical college experience, both options have pros and cons which must be considered before making a decision. Ultimately, the best one will vary from person to person and depend on several factors such as money and social benefits, among others.

Commuting will save you a lot of money, even after you factor in the cost of a car, gas, and parking pass. Living on campus is usually overpriced for what you get; a small room to be shared with one or two people, not to mention, communal bathrooms. Living at home is free, will give you more space and you won’t have to miss mom’s home cooked meals.

However, living at home also comes with some sacrifices. Depending on how far away you live, you may have to budget a significant amount of time to drive to and from school. Ten or fifteen miles may not sound like a lot, but when you factor in traffic, it can become a lengthy drive to make two times a day. Driving this often will also require a good amount of gas, especially if your car is not very fuel efficient. And of course, then there is a car. If you choose to commute, it is important that you have a safe and reliable car to take you to and from school each day. This can be a big purchase to make upfront but whether or not you are commuting, purchasing a car is a great investment to make.

Another factor to consider is the social aspect. Living on campus puts you much closer to all of the action going on such as club events, fundraisers, games, etc. However, commuters can also partake in these events. It may require more effort but is not impossible. Commuters can also stay on campus after classes are over in order to experience campus life, but it will not be the same experience as living with peers in a dorm room.
Whichever choice you make, make it because it is best for you and your family. Regardless of where you live, what your college experience entails will depend on you. Neither choice is better or worse. Both and equally valuable experiences but each is unique in their own way but will vary depending on each individual.


Amanda De Moraes

Boston Tutoring Services

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