Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

It’s common knowledge these days that there are many benefits of learning a foreign language: it builds multi-tasking skills, improves memory and perception, and can even make you smarter (read more in this article by the Telegraph). But what language should you study? Read on to help you decide which foreign language would be the best choice for you. 

Spanish LanguageSpanish

With well over 35 million Spanish speakers in the United States, and with over 40% of the country’s population growth being among Hispanic people, the stage is set for an increase in Spanish usage in the US. The sheer number of Spanish speakers and their rate of growth makes learning Spanish a smart choice. For more information on choosing Spanish, click here


English and French are the only languages spoken on five continents. French is both a working language and an official language of organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and more. Proficiency in French is often considered essential for anyone considering a career in an international organization. For more information on choosing French, click here.


Though many consider Latin to be a dead language, this doesn’t have to be the case. Latin is the natural next step after phonics, as half of our English vocabulary is made up of Latin words and roots. Latin is one of the most efficient ways to learn English grammar and it is also excellent preparation for learning other languages. For more information on choosing Latin, click here

German German Language

More people speak German as their native language than any other language in Europe. This language is also big in literature, as 1 in 10 books in the world is published in German, and German speakers produce nearly 80,000 new book titles each year. For more information on choosing German, click here.


Mandarin Chinese is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world. China has the second largest economy in the world, and is one of largest trading partners of the United States. It can be helpful for those considering a career in business. For more information on choosing Chinese, click here.

Italian Italian Language

If you are a native English speaker, there will be many words in the beautiful Italian language that are familiar to you. Italian phonetics can also be readily understood from the written word, which is a huge advantage for the beginner. For more information on choosing Italian, click here.


Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world, and is used worldwide by over 400 million people. The Indian economy is the second fastest growing economy in the world after China, so Hindi, too, could be extremely useful in business. For more information on choosing Hindi from a native speaker, click here


In the coming years, it is conjectured that more and more people will speak Portuguese as a result of Brazil’s economic and demographic growth. Since comparatively few English speakers also speak Portuguese, you would have less competition for jobs in all sectors if you focused on learning this language. For more information on choosing Portuguese, click here

Allison Green
Boston Tutoring Services

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