Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking is something which can be very frightening to children. It involves putting yourself out there being open to critique and judgement, something which makes everyone uneasy. However, public speaking is an essential part of life and a needed skill. The sooner children get started practicing, the better and more comfortable they will become. If your child is struggling to overcome this fear, read below for some helpful tips!

1.Make it a fun game

When they are just starting out, instead of presenting a project or reading a speech, have them talk about something they like, such as their favorite game to play, or their family. By making it a fun activity, they will be more comfortable with the idea of public speaking and will be less afraid of future presentations they have to make.

2. Watch videos

Watching others speak publicly can show children who have anxieties that this is a normal part of life and everyone takes part in it at some point. By watching others, they will also improve themselves by subconsciously picking up on techniques and critiquing themselves.

3.Practice, Practice, Practice

As with everything else, practice makes perfect. The more you practice at home and with people they are comfortable with, the easier public speaking will become for your child.

4.Give Positive Feedback

While some enjoy public speaking, for most it is a task that is dreaded and scary. Receiving positive feedback will make them feel more comfortable and will create a safe environment for them to practice in. And as we previously said, practice makes perfect.

5.Record them

Similarly to watching others speak publicly, watching themselves can also be very helpful. It can be hard to gauge the speed with which you are talking, how your posture affects presentation, etc. when you are in the moment. By watching a video of themselves after the fact, student can pick out things they are not pleased with and feel they need to improve.

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