Don’t Wait to Get a Tutor

As a recently hired intern at Boston Tutoring Services, I am excited to help children get access to tutors, so they don’t have to struggle like I have with certain academic subjects.

When I graduated high school, I was happy to begin the next chapter in my academic career. More specifically, I was happy to start the next four years of school without stepping near a science classroom. Little did I know, most, if not all, college majors require taking classes outside of the field you are studying. Fast forward four years, and I am currently struggling to pass my Science-For-Non-Scientists Chemistry class. It is literally a foreign language to me, and I am having difficulty grasping even the simplest concepts.

I knew in high school that I struggled with science classes. It was a blessing that I passed biology, and an absolute miracle that I passed chemistry. Instead of seeking help, I crammed test info into my head the week before an exam, leaving behind all the information I “learned” on my exam while I walked out the room.

This is a huge problem, and not just for science classes. Material learned in middle and high school really does become helpful in a college setting. I never properly learned the fundamentals of chemistry; this is not a knock on my teachers from high school. I am simply saying that I had so much difficulty understanding the material, that I learned enough only in order to pass the class. What I needed was a tutor–someone to sit down with me one-on-one and help me learn the material in a way that suited my learning needs.

Boston Tutoring Services offers K-12 Academic Tutoring, and if your child is struggling with the concepts of one class, one of the professional tutors is here to help. The individualized support will assure that your child’s academic needs are met by creating a personalized curriculum. Both confidence and organizational skills are learned by working with a tutor, and these skills will carry far beyond your child’s middle and high school years.

Renee Scalfani
Boston Tutoring Services

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