Prepared for the Real World
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.Have you ever found yourself wishing there was a class in high school that taught you how to budget your money, manage your time and stress, or how to purchase property? If you took this class, do think you’d be prepared for the real world?
I hear so many people saying that they were unprepared when they graduated from high school. College is often the first time people are treated like adults, so why not better prepare us all for what’s to come? It would be convenient to learn about real-life stressors before being thrown into the real world.
Credit cards can be dangerous, especially in the hands of an 18-year-old who doesn’t understand the consequences of overdrafts and late payments. Some credit cards continue to work even when they go past their limit, leaving students to suffer the consequences later. It would be extremely beneficial to learn about credit scores in high school and how damaging it can be to ruin your credit at a young age.
Time management is also key in college and adult life. So many people wish they learned better time management skills before pulling all-nighters in the library before a paper is due. With all the distractions we have surrounding us, it’s easy to keep an assignment waiting till the last minute. If only we were taught to work on a project a little at a time, it would cut down on so much stress and unhealthy habits we develop because of procrastination.
Of course talking to high schoolers about mortgages and down payments on property may be a bit over their heads, but it’s never too early to start considering your finances. Learning what’s best for you at a young age would ensure that you are getting fair prices and living where you’re comfortable.
Even though most students don’t learn these things in high school, there are places and people to help you get started. I’m sure teachers would be happy to talk about time management practices to help you finish a big project, and maybe there’s a business teacher you could talk to about credit cards and finances. Just know that we all go through these problems and there are always ways you can find help. And then the real world doesn’t seem so scary after all.