Margaret Pobywajlo


Ph.D. in Education, University of New Hampshire

Master of Arts, English, California State University at Sacramento

Bachelor of Arts, English, College of Notre Dame


Certification, Secondary Education, CA, HI, NH

Margaret has been teaching and tutoring for over 33 years, specializing in English Language Arts. She tutors students in grades 5-12, as well as college students and adult learners. She instructs students on reading, writing, study skills and organization, and test-taking strategies. She prepares students for the TOEFL exam and the English section of the GED test. She has worked with ESL students with a wide range of primary languages. She is experienced in working with students with special needs, including physical and psychological disabilities, Aspergers, and ADD/ADHD. She has served as an adjunct professor in a college setting as well as Director at a center for academic enrichment.

“I became a teacher because I loved learning, and I believed I could help others learn.  To this day, even as a retired educator, I love learning, and I’m fascinated by how people learn in different ways.  To me, learning means making connections between what one knows and what one is trying to learn. After many years of teaching, I developed ways of appealing to different learning preferences to help students make the necessary connections, and I taught tutors how to do the same.   Asking questions is my preferred method of helping students learn how to learn, but I’ve developed other ways of promoting “wonderstanding” (a sense of wonder about a subject) as well as understanding.”