Applying To The Boston Exam Schools

Here is some information about applying to the Boston Exam Schools:
In order to apply to these schools, you must have test scores from the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE), Boston residency, and student grade information.

It is important to note when test dates are to ensure your child is prepared for the test. The first ISEE test date for this year is November 5th. If your child is in grades 6, 8, or 9, they are eligible to take the ISEE. The deadline for registration is September 23rd and you can pick up the registration materials at the schools or any of the Boston Public Libraries starting the second week of September.

According to, “Application to the Boston Exam Schools requires both the student and parent/guardian to reside in the city of Boston. The residency verification process must be completed by the first Friday in November. The residency verification must be completed even if you have other children enrolled in the Boston Public Schools; your student is receiving special education services from BPS; you are a current city employee; or if your child was previously enrolled in the BPS.”

Take this information into account when having your child apply to give them the best opportunities to succeed.


Amanda De Moraes

Boston Tutoring Services

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