Damien Gueho

Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2022
Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University 2019
Bachelor of Science, Engineering Sciences, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2017
Tutor Subjects:
Damien tutors students in math, from middle school level through undergraduate, including algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, arithmetic, topology, and analysis, among other subjects, through AP level. He tutors physics at all levels, especially mechanics, kinematics, and electrical. He is a native French speaker and provides French tutoring at all levels as well. He enjoys developing personalized curriculum to meet the specific needs of his students. When teaching and tutoring, Damien makes sure that his students understand the concepts to the fullest and helps them develop logical reasoning.
“Damien has received several awards and scholarships during his academic career, with a recent Guidance, Navigation and Control Graduate Award by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He also publishes for Journals in the Aerospace and Engineering fields and presents his work at various conferences. He enjoys staying active, playing and watching tennis, as well as everything related to winter sports. In the last 5 years, he has traveled to 17 states, Canada, and has visited most of Europe before that. He would like to visit South America and Asia in the coming years. Damien has also been a volunteer firefighter for 4 years in State College, PA, during his Masters and Ph.D. He enjoys helping others and providing for his community.”