Getahun Adane


Master of Science, Global Health Policy, Brandeis University, 2023

Master of Science, Food Science and Technology, Hawassa University, 2019

Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, 2014


Massachusetts Chemistry Teaching Licensure, 8-12

Getahun specializes in Math (grades 5-9) and Science (middle school Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Agricultural Science). He has been teaching for over 10 years in Ethiopia and Massachusetts, and has worked with students at all levels. He has experience working with students with special needs, including ADD and ADHD. He enjoys developing personalized materials to meet the specific needs of his students. He also has an extensive background in Food Science and has conducted research to support agricultural policies. In 2019, he received a national award from the Prime Minister of Ethiopia for teaching science at the high school level.

Getahun says, “As an educator, I believe that education is a transformative process that allows students to acquire knowledge while cultivating critical thinking, creativity, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Moreover, every student is an individual with a unique learning style, strengths, and potential for growth. In my role as a facilitator of learning, I aim to create an inclusive and engaging environment in which students are empowered to explore, question, and discover. A priority of mine is acknowledging and celebrating the diverse strengths and needs of each learner. Through my journey into teaching, I have been able to explore the intersection of knowledge and personal growth in a fulfilling manner.

Whether I am playing singles or doubles, tennis is my favorite sport. Cooking and experimenting with different cuisines is one of my greatest passions. In addition to experimenting with creative recipes, I enjoy preparing delicious meals for friends and family. Due to my travel experiences, I have gained a deeper understanding of cultural diversity and resilience, as well as the beauty of human connections across borders. My childhood companion, Huriye, was our most beloved cat who brought boundless joy to our home when she was in need of milk. We consider her to be more than just a pet; she is a beloved member of our family.