Lauren Mundinger

Master of Education, Mathematics Secondary Education, Boston College, 2024
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education & Math/Computer Science, Boston College, 2023
Massachusetts Initial Teacher License, Elementary Education & Secondary Mathematics Education SEI Endorsement
Lauren tutors students in grades 1-12 in mathematics at all levels, as well as students in grades 1-6 in English Language Arts, history, and social studies, and students in grades 1-6 in science. She has extensive experience working with students for whom English is not their first language/bilingual students. She also has worked with students with a wide range of learning disabilities and special needs, including ASD, ADHD, and vision impairments. She enjoys developing personalized curriculum to meet the specific needs of her students, including through online instruction. She has also taught computer science at Boston University’s Upward Bound Program, and studied abroad in Ireland during her undergraduate studies.