Maura Bartell

Bachelor of Science, Business Honors Program, Economics, University of Pittsburgh, 2023
Maura tutors students in grades 3-12, as well as undergraduates, in English, Math, History, and Spanish (Levels 1-4). She prepares students for all sections of the ISEE and SSAT tests. She is experienced in working with students with special needs, especially ADHD/anxiety. She enjoys developing personalized materials to meet the specific needs of her students, including accommodating IEPs. Additionally, she is experienced in supporting students with Executive Function Support. She serves as a mentor for girls through Strong Women Strong Girls and enjoys working with students from all backgrounds.
Maura says: “I grew up in rural Upstate NY, so I love to be outside hiking or swimming. I played field hockey and rowed on the crew team. I’ve also played the piano my whole life and been in a few musicals. I studied abroad in Florence while I was at Pitt. I traveled all through Europe and even went paragliding in Switzerland. In addition to tutoring, I work, coach youth soccer, go to workout classes, read and play piano (still). I am confident that any student can succeed academically once they understand their strengths and believe in their own potential.”