Michael Cleary

Bachelor of Arts, Latin American Studies; Economics, Dartmouth College, 2021
Tutor Subjects:
Michael tutors students in grades 8-12 in Math (through Calculus), Physics, Economics, Computer Science, Spanish (fluent), and French (fluent). He has extensive experience with test preparation, including SAT and SAT Subject exams. He started tutoring in high school, helping launch an after-school Math program for middle school students, and has been working consistently as a tutor in the 8 years since. He is experienced in working with students for whom English is not their first language, and served as an English Teaching Volunteer in Cuba. He is currently pursuing his Master of Science degree in Data, Economics, and Development Policy, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
“Michael’s teaching style focuses on identifying students’ strengths and thought processes and finding new angles to approach tough problems. Michael is also passionate about soccer, both as a player and as a youth soccer coach, which was his first job even before tutoring. He listens to Spanish and French soccer radio broadcasts over the weekends. He also enjoys skiing, cooking, video games, and staying on top of Boston’s concert scene as best he can.”