Zhyear Othman

Masters Degree, Biomedical Science, Midwestern University, 2023
Bachelor of Science, Biology, San Diego State University, 2021
Tutor Subjects:
ACT Test Prep
K-12 Academic Subject Tutoring
K-12 Academic Tutoring
Zhyear tutors students in grades 3-12 in all subject areas, specializing in Math (through Algebra 2/Geometry/Calculus 3) and Science (Physics, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and General Chemistry). He has also tutored at the undergraduate level in Math and Science. He also supports students in English, Social Studies, and the Humanities. He prepares students for all sections of the ACT test, as well as the DAT for dental school admission. He is currently pursuing his D.M.D. at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He speaks Kurdish and supports students in learning the language.
Zhyear says: “I was raised in a family of six kids in San Diego, California. For most of my childhood, I played sports like basketball, football, and in high school I ran track & field (hurdles). Most summers I would travel back to Kurdistan to visit grandparents, aunts, and uncles. I first started tutoring in high school as a part-time job and volunteered at our public library where I taught the elementary school kids cool science experiments. Now, I am in dental school and seeking to specialize in pediatric dentistry.”