Things to Look For in Modern Classrooms

What are the kinds of things you should look for in today’s classroom? The common response often begins and ends with technology, but it’s not all about the technology. We’ve listed here things to look for in modern classrooms in addition to technology. Let us know in the comments which you think is the most important, or if you’re a teacher, which you’d like to focus on in your classroom during the new school year.

modern classrooms

1. Voice. It’s essential for students to be able to share their thoughts, both with fellow students and with their teachers. They should take the time to learn from others and then share their learning in return.

2. Choice. A great way to let students have a say in modern classrooms is strength-based learning. In short, this strategy gives students a choice by helping them identify their greatest talents and use this knowledge to develop strengths in those areas. You can read more about this technique in more depth by clicking here.
modern classrooms
3. Time for reflection. Everyone–teachers, administrators, students, parents–should write about and reflect on what is being learned in the classroom. Writing is a great way to get our thoughts organized and ready to share with others.

4. Opportunities for innovation. Room to grow is an essential part of all modern classrooms! For example, providing students with the tools and space necessary to try building a hovercraft from a YouTube video would allow for innovation among students. 

5. Critical thinking. Teachers should always ask their students questions and push them to challenge what they see to build critical thinking skills.

modern classrooms6. Problem solving and finding. Give students tough challenges and let them find their own innovative solutions. Problem solving is an essential skill to succeed in the adult world, and it all starts here.

7. Self-assessment. Portfolios are a great way to teach self-assessment. Always keep a copy of each student’s work throughout the year in their portfolio so that later, they can go back, read through their own work. Have students grade their past writing and note improvements over time.

8. Connected learning. Learning goes beyond the classroom! Bring outside experts into your class via social media, video-conferencing, and more.

Allison Green
Boston Tutoring Services

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