Benefits of a Gap Year

While many high school seniors stress out about college applications, visits, and the like, there is another group of soon to be graduates looking into an alternate possibility. Gap years are traditionally a European custom and are a common choice for students are graduating from secondary school(i.e high school). The idea behind a gap year is to take a gap in between schooling, hence the name. In the last 10 years, gap years have increased in popularity across the pond and more students in the United States are putting their books aside and heading off to travel, volunteer, or work for a year.

There are several assumptions that are sometimes tied to the idea of gap years, most of them being negative.  Some may say they are expensive, a “waste of time”, a distraction, or even an excuse to not attend a college or university. However, studies conducted do not support these assumptions.

 The Department of Education found that it takes just under 6 years for the average US student to graduate from college.  Studies conducted about gap year students find that they are more likely to graduate on time, have a better sense of what they want to study, and be more fulfilled with their jobs later on in life. A study also found that not only do  90% of students who take a gap year return to school within 1 year, they are more likely to have higher GPA’s than their colleagues and be more engaged in campus life. Many colleges and universities see students who have taken a gap year as an attractive candidate due to their real world experience, and some institutions even have “1+4 programs” for students who wish to take a gap year before beginning their higher education.

Students who take gap years can participate in a wide range of activities, not all of which need to cost money. The value and significance that come with a gap year are measured by the amount of personal growth, not through monetary value. There are several ways to find programs which will not cost anything, and some which will even pay students for their participation.

AmeriCorps is an organization that focuses on national and community service. They offer a wide range of programs both within the United States and abroad. There are also companies which focus on travel, in and outside of the United States. Some of these companies include the National Outdoor Leadership School, and Outward Bound. If financial assistance is required, Carpe Mundi helps students fund their gap years through scholarships. Another alternative is a program such as World Wide Oppurtunities on Organic Farms where students can stay on a farm anywhere in the world free of cost by contributing a few hours of work a day.

While gap years are not for everyone, it is important to consider the option of taking one and having the time to discover oneself. Many students believe going directly to college is their only option when in fact, there are hundreds of other opportunities out there, if you just take the time to look.

For more information on gap years, please visit:

American Gap Association

National Association for College Admission Counseling



Amanda De Moraes

Boston Tutoring Services

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