Abarar Saif

Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology; Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California Berkeley, 2021
Abarar tutors students in grades K-10 in English Language Arts (including early literacy skills), math, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. She is pursuing her Master of Science degree in Forensic Anthropology at Boston University. She prepares students for all sections of the ISEE, SSAT, and GED tests. She is experienced in working with students with a wide range of special needs, including ASD and ADHD. She enjoys developing personalized materials to meet the specific needs of her students. She has received numerous grants and awards as she pursues her study in Forensic Research.
“As the eldest of seven, Abarar’s tutoring experience began with her younger siblings before working for other families. She is a competitive ballroom dancer, baker and an avid reader. She loves dogs and hopes to get one of her own in the near future.”