Parent-Child Advice

How to Help Girls Succeed

It is not enough to celebrate “girl power” without also providing examples of strength. We can’t tell girls they can change the world without equipping them to take on the task. If we encourage young girls to dream big, we must provide direction and skills to help them make those dreams a reality. All of us can positively impact how girls see themselves and their possibilities. Here are three tips to get you started. 1.…

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How to Help Boys Thrive

On her son’s first day of kindergarten, Ruth Whippman, author of BoyMom: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity, stood by as a parent volunteer welcomed each child at the gate. Two nervous little girls walked in first, and the volunteer crouched down, his voice warm and tender: “Hi, sweetheart.” Then came Whippman’s son. The volunteer straightened up, his tone dropping an octave as he gave a hearty high five and said, “Hey, buddy!”…

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Techniques for Dealing with Stress for Kids

For parents, teens, and children alike, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. Chances are that everyone is dealing with stress and anxiety in their bodies and minds at one time or another. Thankfully, there are tips and techniques to help children and teens respond skillfully to stressful situations. Dr. Katelyn Anderson, a pediatric psychologist at CHOC, offers various skills to help combat anxiety. Here are some techniques…

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Critical Thinking Activities for Kids

Critical thinking is one of the most crucial life skills to have; it not only builds a strong character, but also creates a savvy and successful adult. Schools can only do so much to nurture critical thinking abilities due to a standardized syllabus, but you as a parent can encourage your children to think critically with some activities you can do at home. Here are some examples of activities to teach children critical thinking. 1.…

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Team Building Games for Kids

Team building games for kids serve a variety of purposes, but most importantly, they help children develop essential social skills. By participating in team activities, kids learn to work together, understand the importance of collaboration, and develop empathy towards others. Moreover, these games promote communication skills, as kids are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas with their teammates. Through team building games, children become more aware of their role within a group, learning to…

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Why Physical Activity Shouldn’t Be Used as Punishment

Think about any time you’ve seen an army boot camp portrayed in pop culture: the traditional drill sergeant, ordering his troops to do endless laps and push-ups as punishment for their errors that day. Now, with that scenario in your mind, imagine it being played out by children and teenagers at school, and instead of drill sergeants, their teachers are at the helm. Believe it or not, it’s actually quite common in certain areas of…

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How to Talk to Kids About the Election

Politics can be a difficult subject to discuss with children, but as they grow and begin to understand the fundamentals of civics and how people choose their local and national leaders, the subject is hard to avoid. Voting allows people to come together as a community to make a collective decision; it fosters democracy and allows for a fair process in electing local and national leaders. How do you talk to kids about voting and…

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The Best Back to School Gear

Going back to school can be a little intimidating, but while you can’t hold your kid’s hand as they try to find their classes, you can get them prepared with the right gear for the year. Here are a few items that can help keep you organized, energized, ready to tackle the start of the new school year. 1. Start the morning off right with a sunrise alarm clock. If mornings are difficult for your…

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Back to School Strategies for Families

It’s hard to believe that school will be starting up soon for most kids and teens. The back-to-school season can be exciting and challenging, but a smooth transition helps families adjust well and thrive with the new school year. Here are some practical back to school strategies to help your kids and teens (as well as you) prepare. 1. Help your child make a plan and get any remaining summer assignments completed. Divide up reading,…

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7 Summer Safety Tips from Johns Hopkins

Children look forward to the summer months when a break from school gives them a chance to enjoy the outdoors, travel, and relax with friends and family. However, it’s important to ensure children’s safety while they’re having fun in the sun. Specialists from Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and Johns Hopkins Children’s Center offer seven recommendations for keeping kids safe this summer season. 1. Keep children away from burn hazards. Fireworks can be extremely dangerous…

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